Thursday, March 23, 2006

i have a bandaid on my finger you know why?

because my nail is past the quick and it burned when i was playing on the floor so i have had this bandaid on since last night the good thing is i can still type with that finger and click

11:21 am

done typing 11:25 am

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

happy LATE blog anniversary to my blog

i just thought at 8:39 6 days ago it was my blog anniveresary! that means i have had my blog for a year now

ps my birthday is april 25th ( next month)

9:39 pm

finshed 9:40 pm

one more thing i want and need

a new mouse pad mine is all bent up

1:13 pm

Monday, March 20, 2006

i am going to make a cabbage patch newspaper

heres what it is about every time a new cabbage patch is born i will put in a newspaper that i make mine was born feb 20th ( i think) yes it was

now i am going to make my newspaper!

ps anyone who just got a cabbage patch tell me and i will put it in my newspaper (comment)

11:43 am

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

let me ask all of you something do you keep some dreams to your self?

i do! i just had one! at 9:57 am well i don,t think i should of said that or my mom is going to guess

and please just comment ( mom) or email me no talking to each other out aloud or actally just email me

10:22 am

Monday, March 13, 2006

guess what mom got dizzy

and the whole room was spinning it was just a big piece of ear wax go to karla"S korner ( my moms blog) and see if she will post about it


Monday, March 06, 2006

i made pecan dolls i have a lot

pecan hospital is our backyard ny daughters name is pecanie my first pecan doll
i am the doctor my sister is the nurse


editing my birthday wish list

1 kitten
2 playhouse
3 scooter

3:30 pm