Wednesday, October 05, 2005

a time travel machine i learned about NON-FICTON

a time travel machine i learned about i was watching tv and this boat was on the water all of a sudden green haze boat and the boat wasn,t seen so these two men jumped overboard but they didn,t hit the water they went into a time travel machine and they were covered in darkness and they got to the other end they had travel 40 years later from 1840 to some where else and they young friend was a old man and they spoke to him and he put them back in the time travel machine.

its true if you don,t think so ask my mom her button is karlas korner


Blogger Karla said...

LOL - Kelley is talking about the "Philadelphia Experiment". And she meant to say "1940" (it was actually 1943 according to the host of the program) not "1840". It was an interesting program...I think there's some truth in the story, but I'm not sure that ALL of it is truth. It was very interesting to hear about nonetheless.

2:17 PM  

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