hey i have a lunch date with mom on the 31st
hey i have a lunch date with mom on the 31st
rain rain go awayrain rain go away because i wanted to play outside
american girl is a wonderful place but their dolls are NOT CHEAP i am serious the bitty baby dolls are 40$ and the bitty twins are 74 OR 75$ and the bitty baby starter thing is 130$
rules on computer NO FOOD OR DRINKS i think we shouldn,t only if you are not typing you can have apple sause but nothing else thats all and i hope you stay in the house it is hot outisde and boy do i mean it!
still on library computer! i am having fun i hope that it will cool off because it feel like 101
again i am at the library a hour later its fun i am on computer number 5 candlers library well i was hoping someone would comment iam going to see
still at the library computer its 2:04 and i hope you have a great day
hey i am posting at the library computer its neat and iam going to seee my net pet
what has happened to my blog? my mom didn,t change anythign and its all blue well don,t post anyone i stayed up from 3:330 last night before dad to go to work until 7:39
hey secret pal group (fashion pals) since i haven,t been on the group it is not going to be here ever again hey i know you enjoyed it i think none of you sent to the secret pals but i am the boss in this club
i am tired of getting up and down i am tired of it realyy i am it makes me sick
hello and here is a funny joke the pizza guy said to a man aren,t you karla googey? the man said what?
sorry i haven,t posted hey my next post will be a another comedy joke
MOM IF YOU ARE READING THIS PLEASE DON,T it is a secret until next month
did you know you have pinball on your computer? well heres how you get to it click the start button and go to all programs the go to games and click pinball to make it full screen go to options and click full screen
hey i am going to ballet class today and jessica is going to tumbing!
and i got my bookmark from pammy my friend thanks pammy! today!
i am home! at last!see it was fun but after a few days it started to get worse well heres how it started it started as last night 08-6-05 after my uncles wedding and i dancedd all night when we got home and today mom cussed last night and today
we are leaving in 24 minutes wow! for the Alanta for my uncles graduation
we are leaving friday very early in the morning because of my uncle is graduating friday and getting married saturday right after graduating day lol please don,t let uncle paul see this he will be embarrested
now i can,t post from moms computer because the cookies are disabled on there now thats funny lol so i couldn,t post some mine and i could from moms and then i can,t post from hers and i can post from mine very funny lol
i am having to post from moms computer cause my cookies are disabled blogger says but mom can fix it we are going to drive up to see nana and papa so we can go to my uncles graduation and i have to practice being the flower girl so i wanted to let you know that i might not be posting until sunday
i can,t wait its 5 48 to go to nana and papas on thursday!
i am going to nana and papas and be back sunday perhaps i will learn how to knit
secret pals are are canceling the group until next month we aren,t having it sorry
i have have got three packages of yarn