the next day will be the last day of july i can hardly wait
the next day will be the last day of july i can hardly wait can you i am making short little posts well thats because i have little to say
the next day will be the last day of july i can hardly wait can you i am making short little posts well thats because i have little to say
the fair last year pics
my tooth fell out today 07-27--05 mom said it would and it did i sucked up the blood
here is pets on the net from american girl it has something else and if you click that other thing it shows you my pets on the net
my papas next project is a playhouse! it has been awhile well. we has been busy making a table i think he just finished it
we have been at my nana and papas and house thats why i haven,t posted on my blog
i broke my doll not anne
hey everyone
hey sue not stampstch the other one hope you enjoy my blog please click karla"S korner thats my moms blog
what i have made is 3 or 4 fat bookmarks purple ones they are all my secret pal i know who she is
i had spam folder 24 from crochet list and a picture of a lego church my friend sent me the lego church is so tall you could fit in it it must have been fun to build it by the way that crochet list you might want to join children sorry this one i am one is only for ages 7 and up
happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you juli
i am added to a crochet list for children ages 7 and up
whew after making diapers for jessicas cabbage patch dolls it is hard you have to trace the boys diaper and make the girls diaper
yahoo i made a single crochet bookmark for mom!
here is a
only a post for my mom to read sorry
for the secret pals end of the month you can,t sign in until this month is over
i am doing single crochet!
here is the secret pal list
can i show everyone the Declaration of Independence mom? or is it the law not to?
hey i found a book and this is the new one and it is called the Declaration of Independence since the thing wouldn,t fit on the whole thing i called it the Declaration of Independence i am making it for jessica she just said are you finished yet? and i said nope adn it might take until for me to make it i will put a picture on here if i can
sorry i am going to frog my work besides its harder to see my stitches when i used purple it is easier with white so i am going to use it not tonight i don,t think because mom is so sleepy and she is in bed.
i saw a man climbing the wall with no ladder to the roof at the library there was holes in the wall. me and momma laughed
wow! this chain i am making is pretty long it is a tugwar rope chain i have made
more websites which are not blogs are
here is a blog i have a button on my favorite places its laura notebook and a other is my grandmothers and look at the other buttons thats where you will find the blogs
i am planning to make some shoelaces for dad he knows that well what i am working on crocheting on is turning out it won,t fit dads tennis shoes who wants some? i would to be glad to make them and mail them to you if you do please comment about your first last name address and city and zip code the shoe are turning out to be.............something well after i feel like working on it somemore i might work on it for 30 or 20 mintutes i had to get tj to dad well when i get it finished i will see if i can take a picture of it and post it on here